Spektro: Diferi inter la revizi

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'''Spektro''' esas la domeno di diferanta valori o gradi di [[faktoro]] qua povas esar reprezentita kom aperta [[abaniko]].
== Komuna ==
* [[aktiva spektro]] di [[medikamento]]
* [[politika spektro]] di opiniono
* [[ekonomika spektro]]
* [[bipolala spektro]] en psikologio
* [[autistika spektro]] en psikologio
== Commonen nounsfizika cienco ==
* The ''[[Spectrum]]'' article explains why so many things are called by this name
* The [[spectrum of activity]] of a drug
* The [[political spectrum]] of opinion
* The [[economic spectrum]]
* The [[bipolar spectrum]], in psychology
* The [[autistic spectrum]], in psychology
* [[energio spektro]] di [[partikulo|partikuli]]-kolektajo
=== In the physical sciences ===
* [[elektromagnetala spektro]]
* The [[energy spectrum]] of a collection of particles
** [[optikala spektro]] o koloro
* The [[electromagnetic spectrum]], or ''an'' electromagnetic spectrum of an object
* [[emiso spektro]] o [[absorbo spektro]] observita en lumo
** The [[optical spectrum]] or ''color spectrum'', a subset of the electromagnetic spectrum
* [[frequeso spektro]] di signalo
* An [[emission spectrum]] or [[absorption spectrum]] observed in light
* The* [[frequencypovo spectrumspektro]] of adi signalsignalo
** The [[power spectrumtimbro]] ofdi amuzikala signalnoto
* The [[timbre]] of a musical note
== en pura matematiko ==
* [[operacanto-spektro]]
* [[matrico-spektro]]
* [[ringo-spektro]]
* The [[spectrum ofspektro adi C*-algebra]]
=== In pure mathematics ===
* The [[spectrum of an operator]]
* The [[spectrum of a matrix]]
* The [[spectrum of a ring]]
* The [[spectrum of a C*-algebra]]
* A [[spectrum (homotopy theory)]]
* The [[Stone space]] of a Boolean algebra