in unmittelbarer Nähe beim Bild oder an einer Stelle in ihrer Publikation, wo dies üblich ist. Dabei muß der Zusammenhang zwischen Bild und Urhebernennung gewahrt bleiben. In jedem Fall sind Urheber und Lizenz zu nennen.
Ein Link zu meiner Homepage ist erwünscht aber nicht Bedingung.
Either the notice is given in accordance with the license conditions or as follows::
near to the photo or at a location that is common in your publication but preserving the association between image and credit. In any event, copyright and license are to be mentioned.
A link to my website is much appreciated but not mandatory.
Bitte lesen Sie den vollen Lizenztext gründlich, bevor Sie das Bild nutzen! Wenn Sie Fragen zu den Lizenzvereinbarungen haben oder weniger restriktive kommerzielle Lizenzen wünschen, kontaktieren Sie mich per Mail:
Please review the full license requirements carefully before using this image. If you would like to clarify the terms of the license or negotiate less restrictive commercial licensing outside of the bounds of Licenses, please contact me by email:
Please do not upload a modified image here without consultation with the author. The author would like to make possible minor modifications only at his own source. (The source is usually a RAW file. Processing of the JPEG file means a loss of quality.) This ensures that the changes and the quality are preserved. If you think that any changes should be required, please contact the author. Otherwise you can upload a new image with a new name. Please use one of the templates Derivative or Extracted. Please enter your name too, if you upload a derivative or a detail, because you're in charge of the changes. Please do not rename this file. The name is part of the attribution. In the case of misstatements, the author is pleased to provide information.
Estas permesite kopii, disdoni kaj/aŭ redakti ĉi tiun dokumenton, sen senŝanĝaj sekcioj, sen antaŭkovrilaj kaj sen dorskovrilaj tekstoj, laŭ la kondiĉoj de la Permesilo GNU por Liberaj Dokumentoj, nur Versio 1.2 eldonita de la Free Software Foundation; sen Senŝanĝaj Sekcioj, Antaŭovrilaj Tekstoj aŭ Malantaŭkovrilaj Tekstoj. Kopio de la permesilo estas inkluzivita en la sekcio titolita GNU Free Documentation License.
solo 1.2 1.2GNU Free Documentation License 1.2truetrue
Kopiyuro ("Copyleft"): Ita arto-verko es libera; vu povas distributar ed/od modifikar ol segun la kondicioni dil Licenco Libera Arto. Vu povas trovar specimeno di ta licenco ye la loko Copyleft Attitude ed anke ye altra loki. Art Licensefalsetrue
The reproduction of this architectural work, work of sculpture or work of applied art, is covered under the Israeli copyright statute (2007), which states that "Broadcasting, or copying by way of photography, drawing, sketch or similar visual description, of an architectural work, a work of sculpture or work of applied art, are permitted where the aforesaid work is permanently situated in a public place." (paragraph 23) See COM:CRT/Israel#Freedom of panorama and COM:CRT/Israel#De minimis for more information.