Masakro dil dio di Santa Bartolomeo: Diferi inter la revizi

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Nova pagino: thumb pikturo da François Dubois pri la masakro.]] '''Masakro di Santa Bartolomeo''' esas ondego di violento per katolika turbo kontre le ''...
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[[Image:Massacre saint barthelemy.jpg|thumb]]| pikturo da [[François Dubois]] pri la masakro.]]
'''Masakro di Santa Bartolomeo''' esas ondego di violento per katolika turbo kontre le ''[[Huguenot]]'' (Franciana Kalvinista protestanti) dum franciana [[religio-militi]] komence 24 di agosto [[1572]] en [[Paris]].
Traditionally believed to have been instigated by [[Catherine de' Medici]], the mother of King [[Charles IX of France|Charles IX]], the massacre took place six days after the wedding of the king's sister to the Protestant [[Henry IV of France|Henry of Navarre]]. This was an occasion for which many of the most wealthy and prominent Huguenots had gathered in largely Catholic Paris. Events began two days after the attempted assassination of Admiral [[Gaspard de Coligny]], a Huguenot military leader.
{{commons|St. Bartholomew's Day massacre}}